Our Services 

We hold Services every Sunday morning at 10:15am, lasting approximately one hour. 
We have a young church along with a creche for younger children at each service 

We have a communion service once a month, where we share in bread and wine, and a family service every every month where our young people stay with us throughout the service. 


When you arrive in our church you will be welcomed as part of the family. 
Take time to sit awhile in slience and bring to mind those people for whom you wish to pray for and the things about yourself and your life that you wish to offer to God, we all have something to offer. 

Our services blend traditional and modern worship hymns with prayers for others and ourselves, we listen to the minister, hear readings from scripture and learn in our own journey in faith. We take a collection at every service for the work of the church. We have a sharing time at each service which allows you to share with the church family those aspects of life you would like others to pray for or celebrate with you. 

We ask that everyone joins us after the service to continue in fellowship with tea, coffee and biscuits. 

As part of the Rochdale and Littleborough Methodist circuit we have many visiting preachers come to share with us. 

Who is preaching


Lord Jesus Christ
I am sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life.
I ask your forgiveness.
Thank you for dying on the cross for me to set me free from my sins.
Please come into my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit and be with me forever.

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